About me

Portrait by Jess Sanders

Hi! My name is Anna, and I like cats, good words and weighted blankets. I dislike hypocrisy.

My background lies in teaching, investigative journalism and classics. But for the past 10 years, I have been working in the tech sector as a UX writer and product manager. I advocate for inclusion, especially on the neurodiversity front. I read legal documents for fun (my favourite areas of the law are labour and immigration).

For six years, I worked at Booking.com as a UX writer, technical product manager and an elected member of the Works Council. I have a Professional Scrum Product Owner I certificate.

Currently I am volunteering with VluchtelingenWerk, learning to paint and open for new (paid) opportunities. I also offer catsitting services in Rotterdam, and make various stickers.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com


Product management

Other work


Technical note

This website is powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages. It might not look like much, but I am proud of building and deploying it all by myself.